Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cats y Catholics

Interesting fact i learned today: in 1492 when the Spanish kicked out all of the jews and muslims from spain, an important part of proving your christianity was eating pork...which is why eating pork (chorizo, salchichon, etc) is so important today in spanish society, something about that fear of being called out as different and complying with the rule stuck and now the spanish love their cerdo. go figure. also, apparently the reason their arent any philosophers in spain is because the spanish language is simplistic--one word having so many meanings--great for spanish poetry, not so great for contemplating the metaphysics and meaning of life in any specific manner. thus the reason german is a great language for philosophizing--one meaning, one word, lots of words to choose from to mean exactly what you are trying to say.
and i'm not clear on the policy on feeding the cats. they seem to belong to everyone and one can leave kitty litter outside ones front door as one sees fit. not being a cat person myself, i find this sort of behavior hard to adopt or understand.
just a few thoughts from my day today...learn something nuevo todo las dias...

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Wow Wave. I love this entry. It's so fascinating. Poignant. Actually, the word to describe it is...well...ergreifend. You were right about the German thing.