Saturday, January 24, 2009

Donde estan los guapos...?

I dont mean to speak ill of the spanish (and john, dont take offense, this is for purely cultural purposes...besos) but everybody told me before i left that i would be meeting like a million gorgeous spaniards per day, all beautiful, tall dark and handsome (obviously just how i like them). I dont know if its me and the Spanish just aren't my type or what, but i have yet to see a man sufficiently more attractive than one in san francisco. oh ok, that's not true, my downstairs neighbor, Sharif, from Australia, has a GORGEOUS boyfriend visiting...tall (6'3"), beautiful...Sharif basically had to wipe the drool off of Jamie's and my faces, but he doesn't count because he's Italian and gay. Maybe it's the weather? All the hunky ones remain indoors to maintain their perfectly coiffed dark hair, lest the wintery mix dislodge even a single strand? (That sort of vanity sounds like more of an Italian fixation, but if not that then what?) It is also possible, given my Americanness, that i have just not been out late enough. Last call in bars at home is first call at bars in Granada, and as fond as i am of the pub goin culture i have yet to indulge myself in an all-nighter--it is possible that i have just not been out in the city at the appropriate hours (do all the handsomes come out at night?). Tonight we are going out with a local friend, and i am determined to investigate this situation. Perhaps once i expand my cultural learnings beyond our little cuidad of Granada and its daily going-ons (we have a lot of hippies and hash-smoking morrocans here) i will come to understand the infamous nature and appeal of the spanish man. as of yet, i am confounded....until i meet the likes of Javier Bardem, i remain unconvinced....

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