Sunday, January 11, 2009

sick in Granada

sooo...not how i imagined starting off my fabulous adventures in granada. after arriving in madrid to blizzards and sitting in a metal bench in estacion sur de madrid for four hours freezing my buns off, then a five and a half hour bus ride to granada, i finally arrive at my apartment. which is beautiful, but dark and freezing. all i was given was a key and told how to work the radiators (which take like 7 hours to kick in). so i spent my first night and day here in bed bundled under five wool blankets hacking up a lung and sleeping. by the time i ventured out into the world it was near 5 oclock and it being saturday, all shops were closed. not having the appetite for a restaurant meal i proceeded to hibernate once more in my warm bed. i also have a gas heater thinger that's supposed to be warmer but i was told not to leave it on for fear of asphyxiation. great. i'm playing with it now, but i've got to keep an eye on it, lest i blow myself up my second day abroad. today i woke up early, went to my local cafeteria for some zumo de naranja and croissane de mantequilla. found my local grocer open (thanks gods) and was able to purchase some chicken soup, yogurt and fruits. also, a can of beans and chorizo if i'm feeling adventurous. unfortunately upon arriving home was sick to my stomach and have spent the rest of the morning early afternoon in bed. not sure if it's the flu i had last week, the nerves of starting fresh in an alien country, or some sort of combo of both. all i know is i have no appetite and the only thing that makes me feel ok is my bundly warm bed. have the internet up and running so that is always a plus to be connected to the outside world. start school tomorrow, will report with more exciting info.

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