Tuesday, February 17, 2009

un pequeno disastre..

so jamie and i have our favorite indian restaurant. one of two in granada (and the two that exist here are owned by the same person--muglia I y muglia II--a rather hunky half indian half spanish looking fellow...slightly short for my taste but last time we saw him he was wearing a very attractive purple sweater). we have our usual--curry windaloo (not sure why they spell it with a w here but whatever), la mezcla verduras con curry and of course, garlic naan and dos copas de vino tinto. and we have our usual waiter, shar, who we have become very close friends with (seriously we have gone like twice a week for at least three weeks).
unfortunately, like at home, indian food is un poco carro so we decided to have a go at making our own curry complete with garlic naan. (we have had to limit ourselves to seeing shar once every two weeks or on special occasions) we met at the mercadona near jamie's house to do our shopping and bought all the necessities--flour, yeast, etc. so after finding the perfect recipe for naan we began to prepare our bread. oddly enough, when we poured the yeast in the warm water to bloom, it was white and it began to fizz. both of us were slightly confused and decided that it must be weird spanish yeast. Well, the word for yeast is levadura. PERO, the word for baking powder is levadura en polvo. turns out, we had bought baking powder. scratch that idea. we then walked twenty minutes back into town (down the 67 steps from my apartment) to the coviran in the albaicin...no yeast. they told us to check the panderia across the street. no yeast. luckily i have some professional training in bread baking (ah that culinary school certificate coming in handy, once again) so we decided to make unleavened naan...not good, but at least we had the curry and some rice.
because we are such indian food freaks we thought, hey, lets make some raita too...unfortunately neither of us thought to look at the yogur natural (because obviously its plain yogurt right?) which turned out to be sugared natural yogurt. suffice it so say it was a bit of a disaster, but we ate it anyway....last night for dinner and again today for lunch. not gonna lie, i miss shar....

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