Wednesday, February 18, 2009

gracias a jesus...

i had a bad day today. for no real reason--sun is shining, birds are chirping--i don't know what it was, maybe hormones or something, but today i just wasn't feeling it.
one of my professors, jesus, a suprprisingly attractive spanish fellow (although between the natural scent of the man and the overwhelming odor of cigarette smoke any attraction i had to him was completely asphyxiated weeks ago...hah, get it), asked me what was wrong today and i almost burst into tears. he came up after class and was like, are you sure you're ok, you don't seem like yourself today. not sure if it's because i've been on my own in spain for 6 weeks, or i'm homesick (it could also be the incessant craving for burritos and/or round table pizza) but it just felt like such a relief to have somebody ask about how i was feeling and care about my response (alright i just reread that and it must be hormones, because i sound like such a girl). he also has three girl roommates which may explain his sensitivity to issues of the feminine persuasion.
luckily for me the dutch girl in my culture class (that jesus also teaches) ditched class today so i had a whole hour of jesus to myself. obviously we discussed interesting cultural phenomenons (spanish imperialism in the new world vs. anglosaxon colonialism, etc) but generally spent some time just chatting and talking about our lives. it sounds stupid now, but that the time it really made my day. he mixes music in his spare time and played me a bunch of hispanic american music, among other things. nice to know somebody (even if he is a spoken-for, chainsmoking spaniard) is lookin out for me....

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