Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dear Lawrel, I love you and I'm sorry....

i have to admit, I LOVE OLIVES. Lawrel, i know you'll be pissed, and i stuck it out not liking olives with you for a good long while...but, as they say, when in rome..or spain...the olives are amazing, i didnt like them at first, but they come with every tapas so i had to try them and, over time, i have grown to love them. now i cannot drink a vino tinto without the olives. i was always a fan of martinis (extra dirty) so it wasnt really that big of a step. it took some time, but i'm finally there. so i have to say, for the record, i'm sorry lawrel that you are now the only aufmuth that loathes olives. mmm, salty, garlicky, i'll have them any way.

in other news, excuse my silence in the blog world, have been experiencing some internet difficulties. taught me a good cultural lesson tho--instant gratification is purely an american need. the spanish are so much more laid back. i mean, they get stuff done, but only when it suits them. i'm practicing my zen-ness.

it has been SUNNY. gorgeous and everyday we walk to a new plaza and have new tapas whilst listening to new fabulous flamenco it turns out, pretty much any song can be turned into flamenco: yesterday i heard frank sinatra, billie holiday, and my personal fav (Altho i dont know who sings it): sunny, thank you for the sun (help me out here)--actually pretty beautiful with a little acoustic guitar and flamenco rythym.
i feel like i have to get a week of bloggin in because you never know when the internet will go down for another week or so. we had some crazy tapas the other day...fried sardines (BIG sardines...well, i'll call them sardines but i dont actually know what they were, some scary fish) with a face fried open in terror (or grimace), kind of like a dragon with sharp teeth pointing out. jamie wouldnt try it but i did (not overly impressed couldve used some lemon or delicious dipping sauce, but always fascinating to dive into new things, even if they were a bit oily). took pictures of the fish among other things (Gorgeous mountains in the distance-sierra nevada- that i didn't know were there because of the rain) trying to upload on facebook, but like i said, depends on the internet conditions.
tonight (HAPPY V-DAY) jamie and i are having a romantic dinner for two at a mexican restaurant we stumbled across one day during our wanderings...even though our boyfriends are far and away, we have decided to commemorate this halmark holiday with an old fashioned fiesta (mexican style...complete with tequila shots and whatever else ensues)....
speaking of mexicans..not gonna lie we watched "y tu mama tambien" last night at our friend chandra's house (more on this in a second) and i really missed the mexican language. chandra asked us if we were having trouble understanding the mexican accent and i almost cried because it sounded like home.
our friend chandra is a gypsy and lives in a a real cave. her house is on the side of a mountain and you walk in to rooms that are dug out of said mountain. they are all painted white (in spanish they call it cal but i'm pretty sure its like lye or something because they said its good for killing bugs), and there are a bunch of connecting rooms and the floors are covered in carpets and the walls covered with hippie tapestries. very granada and very cool. the whole gypsy culture in granada is fascinating so it's awesome to know somebody to fill us in on such things. my one problem with the cave is that i think i would need a little bit more sunlight although apparently in the summer (when the temps reach 40 degrees celsius) it is the coolest place in the city, sin air conditioning.

phew, i think that's all the news i have. hopefully (fingers crossed) this internet service will continue and i can blog with slightly more consistency. happy valentine's day and happy weekend!

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