Thursday, March 12, 2009

a little bit of follow up...

to follow up on my fascinating study of sexual attitudes i have an anecdote to demonstrate the openness of spanish men: today, whilst sitting in the plaza, soaking up the spanish sun and generally enjoying my afternoon, i saw a man waving for my attention from a table across the way. three men were seated, men who i actually "know" (recognize) from around the albaicin mainly because they are a trio of musicians who play everywhere, but more importantly because the singer looks like anthony kiedis and the guitarist closely resembles a combination of brian austin green and kevin federline. this is neither here nor there, and furthermore, the third is not at all attractive in any way and looks most like an ogre or a big buffoon with long curly hair. well, this fellow chose this moment to attract my attention by grabbing hold of one of his man boobs and jiggling it, then giving me the thumbs up sign--now this is something that i'm pretty sure is offensive in any culture...but what's worse, is that when i failed to react (i mean, it's not really appropriate to yell expletives across the plaza) is that he grabbed BOTH of his man boobs and repeated said cupping action with a double thumbs up sign....over and over and over again. finally, i nodded (as gracefully as possible) just so he would stop at which point he invited me to his table and to listen to him play flamenco. because they are a neighborhood group, i've heard them play, was not at all interested, and furthermore was grossly offended (although i will admit my chest does look rather nice in this wife-beater today). despite the fact that i'm pretty sure this is inappropriate here as well as at home (where somebody would likely get slapped--literaly and figuratively with a lawsuit for sexual harassment), none of the other fifteen or so groups of people in the plaza took notice or seemed remotely bothered by it. so, with my new spanish outlook on life--going with the flow, that is--i will take this in stride and accept the compliment (although please note that i did not follow him and his friends to the mirador to watch them play, what a creep!) i have to admit, there's nothing like people watching in my favorite albaicin plaza, where everyone from locals to tourists pops by for a drink, where the sun shines brilliantly and where the patatas bravas are excellently picante. when the weather is this beautiful there is nothing like passing an afternoon (or three in a row) people watching and drinking claras. jesus showed up and i seized the opportunity to yell "hola guapo" across the plaza, which for whatever reason has made me a peep...of the server (who sees me and jamie everyday), of jesus' friends (because he was forced to explain why a random lady is catcalling him) and the general plaza aliatar regulars--it was a very spanish thing to do. pretty funny, although i'm close to positive he spent the following 20 minutes explaining to his friends that those crazy white girls at that table over there are students of his, recounting our most infamous shenanigans etc. oh espana.....

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