Friday, March 27, 2009

churros & chocolate

after all my complaints and questions (its been almost three months now) they finally decided that there was a need to fix the internet (that only worked intermittently to start off with). thus, in doing so, they turned it off for like a week. although now all is functioning as it should be, much better than before and just in time for my last week in granada. i can't believe i will be home so soon, with so much to do, planning for new york, picking classes, finding an apartment, it all makes my head hurt so i'm not going to think about it until i step foot on u.s. soil.
in other news, i find myself rushing around to do all the things i have yet to do in spain. the most important being churros and chocolate and the alhambra. jeanne and larry and i have tickets to visit the alhambra on tuesday afternoon, and luckily for me jesus planned a churro chocolate day for our class last week. there is a great churreria right next to the residences owned by the school so a couple of girls from our class picked up churros and jesus brought coffee and it was a great day. the experience was by no means life-altering however...perhaps it's because i lack an overly sweet tooth but they really didn't do that much for me....greasy, phallic shaped, and the chocolate was sweet but nothing to write home about. not sure what all the buzz is about, i much prefer my carnival churros (you know, caked in cinnamon sugar), but when in rome....
jeanne and larry arrive this afternoon so there will be much to do in the coming week: playing tour guide, eating tapas, shopping, seeing the sights, and (ugh) packing. luckily we will be in sevilla for palm sunday--not the biggest day of semana santa by any means but definitely the first day of a whole week of religious processions. then its off to madrid for a day and a half, then business class all the way home (thank you, N.M.L.C. policy). should be an interesting week followed by some serious culture shock, adjustment, real life dealings, and a bountiful array of mexican food (oh god mission burrito...i'm coming for you). so sad that spain is coming to an end, although it will be nice to feel like a productive, active person again....

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