Friday, April 10, 2009

i made it...

I'm officially back in san francisco. despite my 3:30 am insomnia/jetlag combo, it
that was from a couple days ago when my sleep deprived brain couldn't fit together more than two sentences, let alone elaborate on my feelings in any detailed manner beyond "food" or "shower". or press save now instead of publish post, which apparently i did by accident.

it's true, i'm back and it feels great. although i very much miss my little pueblo of granada. in comparison, san francisco is loud, dirty and full of people (ironically a TON of europeans). made the mistake of trying to run an errand downtown (had john drop me at union square) and talk about your "welcome to america" clusterf**k. and yes, i totally forgot about the homeless problem (and here i was thinking that the shoeless hippies and street performers were an irritation). oh it was awful, and loud, and pushy. i ducked into my fav union square hangout, urban outfitters, for a brief moment of zen, only to find it equally as foreign, loud complete with headsplitting techno soundtrack. distraught, i hurriedly found my way to the muni (of course, my fav n line) and realized that compared to my lovely microbuses of the albaicin, the muni is slow, inefficient and downright gross (insert horrifying memories of being puked on two years ago, what was i thinking?).

suffice it to say, the transition is not going as smoothly as planned. although i can freely admit that i am eating EVERYTHING delicious under the sun. and yes, yes i did have my burrito. it was good, but in my granadinian naivete i thought to walk up twin peaks to john's house with my (super chicken with two types of salsa) burrito before enjoying it (and hills here have become mountains in my absence...of course in granada i lived on a mountain that they called a hill, so i'm thinking it's only a matter of perspective that will revert back to normal in a few days). upon my arrival it was no longer melty delicious, although who can really complain about a glorious mission burrito after weeks and weeks of mexicanless suffering? not i. am also steadfastly finishing off leftovers from the life-altering pork posole john whipped up upon my arrival. all that's missing is a round table pizza then i will be BACK (culinarily speaking, of not wholly otherwise).

my only other complaint is that my beautifully fluid spanish sounds like gibberish to everyone here. john continually asks me to repeat what i'm saying because the spanish words don't translate (granted he speaks country bumpkin mexican so he shouldn't throw stones), but still, i find it immensely frustrating. alas, who am i to complain, as i have spent the last few days wandering around this strange city, eating, and soaking up that good old fashioned american television. three more days of adjustment before i am thrown back into the real world of job searches, interviews, doctor's appointments, haircuts, nyu advisor appointments, class registration, and general responsibilities. until then i am on vacation and i feel no shame sitting in my fuzzy robe until the late afternoon. it's the only way i can figure out how to let go of my spanish zen (which took me months to get really practiced) and revert back to my busy, need-to-have-something-to-do self. although i did take an old balsamic vinegar bottle i found in the apartment and use some of my spanish olive oil to make spicy pepper olive oil (for my round table, obvs). that's a project right?...let's just leave it at, i'm coming back, slowly but surely...

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